Have a splendid tea time that will make you unable to resist the impulse to capture it in photographs.
※Since April 1, 2022, price indications include the consumption tax but do not include the service charge.

Signature Parfait "Citrus Blue"
Savor our exquisite parfait crafted with homemade marmalade from Odawara lemons and Shonan Gold jelly and sorbet.
This creation, inspired by our hotel’s renowned natural hot springs and the nearby Hayakawa River, features intricate layers of aloe, lemon jelly, white chocolate mousse, and lemon marmalade.
- Price : 1,300 yen

【Seasonal limited item】Seasonal Parfait "Hydrangea"
Indulge in a delightful parfait inspired by hydrangeas, featuring blueberries and rare cheesecake.
This treat is elevated by yogurt-flavored ice cream and a lemon jelly tinted purple with butterfly pea, perfectly complementing the blueberry flavor.
Enjoy the luxurious layers of blueberry compote, sponge cake, rare cheesecake mousse, jelly, and whipped cream.
- Price : 900 yen
- Period : Sat 1 Jun - Sat 31 Aug

Suzua Coffee Roasted Coffee Jelly
Indigo’s original coffee jelly made with freshly roasted beans from Suzua Coffee, a longstanding coffee bean roaster in Odawara. Suzua Coffee’s baristas finely adjust the flavor in correspondence with the change of seasons, and discern the best state of the beans when making blends. The result is a blend of coffee beans specially roasted for Indigo. Savor a cup, adding our original milk syrup if you wish.
- Price : 550 yen

Hakone Pudding A La Mode
A parfait-style treat reminiscent of the yesteryear period of incredible growth Japan experienced a half-century ago, featuring bite-size chunks of fruit and classical pudding, served with fresh cream.
- Price : 900 yen

【Seasonal limited item】 Berry Shake
A luxurious strawberry shake crafted with homemade berry compote, fresh strawberries, and rich cream. Within its intense flavor, the poured strawberry sauce transforms the taste, spreading new surprises and deliciousness, marking the delightful beginning of spring.
- Price : 1,200 yen
- Period : Fri 1 Mar - Fri 31 May
インディゴ パフェ
苺をふんだんに使用した期間限定の春のパフェ。淡いピンク色の桜クリームの下にほんのり塩気を感じるミルクソルベと花びら入りの桜ゼリーが入っていて、その下にはミルクプリン、ベリー、グリオットチェリーの ムース、ピスタチオ入りのホワイトチョコクランチが層になっていて、食べ進めるたびに色んな味や食感を楽しめるようになっています。
- 料 金 : 単品 1,600円 ドリンクセット 2,100円
- 提供期間 : 2022年3月05日(土)〜2022年4月28日(木)
- 提供時間 : 11:30~17:00
※ ドリンクセットのお飲み物は、コーヒー・紅茶・ハーブティー・日本茶の15種類からお選びいただけます。
※ お会計時、上記表示価格にサービス料(13%)が加算されます。

インディゴ パフェ
- 料 金 : 800円
- 提供期間 : 2022年9月01日(木)〜2022年11月30日(水)
- 提供時間 : 11:30~17:00


Cappuccino, café latte, café mocha
Savor the flavor and aroma of freshly ground coffee.
Beverages served only in spring

(Right) “Pink & Rouge” cocktail
- Price: 1,800 yen
(Left) Miyaginozakura Mocktail
- Price: 1,600 yen
Drink your fill of spring in Hakone with this “mocktail,” which tastes quite like a Japanese-style lassi.
Cherry blossoms embody evanescence and gorgeous beauty.

Glass of L’ORIENT Sakura Wine, from Yamanashi, Japan
- Price: 1,400 yen (100 ml)
10月 “October オクトーバー”
- 料 金 : 1,800円
- 提供期間 : 2022年10月01日(土)〜2022年10月31日(月)
- 提供時間 : 月〜木 10:30~22:00 (LO 21:30)金土日&祝日 10:30~23:00 (LO 22:30)

Let’s Protect Them! Miyagino Cherry Tree Charity Project
*Prices include the consumption tax. A separate service charge of 15 percent on the price excluding the consumption tax will be added to your bill.
*The menu may be changed without advance notice due to the season and the foodstuff supply situation.
*Pictures are conceptual images.